Unholy Anarchy Records, in conspriracy with Anvileater Records, present this 7" split between Boston's PANZERBASTARD and Sweden's RAWHIDE! Almost a year in the works, this slab of nasty wax is sure to get your blood boiling and your head cranking.
Both bands need little introduction. PANZERBASTARD have been cracking skulls for over 10 years with their hybrid style of speed metal meets hardcore punk meets whatever the hell they feel like throwing in. These three tracks are just nasty, and come on the heals of the band's split with TENEBRAE (available through Jailhouse Records).
RAWHIDE have been on a path of destruction since their inception in 2003, with two full-lengths and a handful of demos, EPs and splits. RAWHIDE's two tracks are laden with riffs and memorable hooks using thier filthy, dirty, stripped down style of punk-infused rock.
Side A (PanzerBastard)
1. Death Control 2:03
2. The Grand Bargain 2:10
3. They Sing Death 1:10
Side B (Rawhide)
1. Devil's Grip 3:15
2. Backstabber 2:34
Vinyl edition is limited to an overall press of 500, with 300 on Black, 100 on Red (Rawhide Edition), and 100 on Translucent Yellow (PanzerBastard Edition). Artwork by Anton Escobar Illustration (TOMBSTALKER). Includes download code.
Unholy Anarchy Records | Anvileater Records (2015)
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