Abhoria "Abhoria" 12"

Color: Black & White Pinwheel
Sale price$22.99
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Abhoria was created by guitarist Vor (aka, Trevor Portz of Ashen Horde) as a way to satiate his appetite to play classic, aggressive black metal. Recruiting some top-notch players from the L.A. metal underground to join him, he rounded out the band with vocalist Walthrax (ex- Catheter) and bassist Koszmar (Vimana). The band quickly got to work on their debut album with engineer Shane Howard (Vale of Pnath, Martriden, Helleborus), and the result is a black metal album that harks back to the 90s black metal scene, but with modern production.

While rooted in the more brutal side of black metal, the album blends the requisite blast beats and tremolo picked guitars with many melodic passages, doom-inspired detours and a variety of tempos. While “Mountebank” is a relentless blitz of high-speed black metal, closing track “Sunless” is a seven-minute epic that incorporates mid-paced, atmospheric grooves and clean vocals. Though the energy never relents, the album is not relentless.

Abhoria is hellbent on carrying on the musical torch of the genre’s founding fathers Immortal, Dark Funeral and Emperor.

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